Sunday, May 2, 2010

KETCHUP... or just catching up :)

So I haven't blogged for the entire month of April, actually it's been nearly 2 months seeing as my last blog was March 10th and today is May 2. Wow how time flies! I know my whole SIX followers have just been dying for this one. HA! Just kidding. But anyway, some fun and note-worthy things have happened in the last two months. I got five baby chicks to use as props for some Easter pictures of kids. My niece ended up adopting two of them and they lived at nana's until a stray cat had chicken dinner. Nana felt bad and so she bought my niece two more (by the way, it was supposed to be temporary. After one day the chicks were supposed to go to my uncles farm which is where the other three went). One of the new two promptly fell over and died (cause of death: too much love from a 4 year old) which caused Nana to buy two MORE. So now, a month after Easter Nana has three growing chicks living at her house.

Let's see, my buddy Leigh graciously volunteered to be my bridal guinea pig and put her wedding dress back on so I could get some practice taking wedding portraits, that was fun! Afterward she and I, along with our husbands, went to eat in downtown greenville (she was still in her dress). What like there's something uncommon about a girl walking around downtown and eating at wild wings in a wedding dress at 3:00 in the afternoon? Maybe it's because the rest of us were wearing street clothes. Thanks Leigh, you're the best!
Ken is almost done with school. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel, we are almost at the finish line, it's so close we can taste it. You get my drift? Graduation is 15 days from today which also happens to be our two year anniversary! I am excited and a little scared about where God will take us next. I would love to live in a house though, this renting is getting old and it would be nice to have a small yard that the dogs could run around in. I have started reading an excellent book titled '"You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes" and other advice from an unlikely preacher's wife'. So far it's been great but I'll keep ya posted. I guess I will wrap this one up by informing you that I almost stepped on a snake about an hour ago. I hate snakes, they are satan's babies. I had no idea, Ken and I were walking the dogs and all the sudden he got my attention but seemed to be stumbling over the words. So he just urgently blurted out 'keep walking, just keep walking!' Little did I know that a nearly 5 foot black snake was about one foot away from my leg! Once I realized what was going on I freaked out and did the 'get away from the snake' dance/run. Ugh, my skin is still crawling (no pun intended). Let me be clear, I HATE snakes!

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