Friday, May 7, 2010

Judah Mann

We named our puppy Judah. A friend of our insisted that dogs should have a middle name as well. After throwing around some ideas, the joke Judah Mann just kinda stuck. You know like, 'you da man'. So, our chocolate lab has reached the ripe old age of 8 months now and just like all people and/or animals has his own list of idiosyncrasies. I am prepared to share some of them with you now:
1) He has, by far, the worst gas I have ever had the displeasure of smelling in my ENTIRE life and I am a nurse, I have smelled some really rank stuff. And when he farts, he jerks around to look at his back side like 'what was that?"
2) He has a oral fixation with underwear and power cords. He has chewed through my computer speaker wires, my iPod ear bud wires and lastly, the vacuum cleaner cord.
3) He's afraid of loud things including but not limited to, the lawn mower, fireworks, the vacuum, garbage disposal, 18 wheelers that pass us on the interstate (he's inside the car).
4) He's afraid of things he doesn't 'know' like for instance, he freaked out when we jogged by a ramp the other day. A moving truck ramp. A completely stationary ramp. He wouldn't even get close enough to smell it.
5) He won't get in the water. Did I mention he's a lab? What kind of 'water dog' refuses to get in the water? He loves a stick though so we tried throwing a stick into the pond. Once he got all four feet wet he turned and looked at us like "Um, who's gonna go get that stick?"
6) He will eat anything, ANYTHING you give him. My four year old niece gets a kick out of feeding him leaves, rocks, sticks, flowers whatever. He WILL NOT eat his heart worm pill. If you will eat a rock or lick the puddle of urine you just peed, how bad can a heart worm pill be?

Despite all his weirdness we love him, some days it's just because we've really invested way to much money in him to get rid of him. He really is a good-looking dog though. I've included some videos of Judah being Judah, enjoy!

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