Monday, May 24, 2010

Where's The Light In This Tunnel???

Warning: This blog is kinda boring and mostly me just whining! So, the last thing I need to be doing right now is probably blogging but I am anticipating a rough upcoming week and a half so I'm being selfish and taking a few minutes for myself. I have to work tonight and tomorrow night (mon & tues), my call day is Friday, work Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Wednesday. So out of the next 10 days I have 3 days off ('cause I'm pretty sure I'll have to work my call day). Those three days will fly by. I dunno why I thought Friday would be a good time to schedule my call day. Kuddos to my coworkers that can work 4, 5 and sometimes 6 nights in a row but 3 puts me at my wit's end. So I need to be grocery shopping right now and paying some bills but here I am on my bumper (as my niece calls it) staring at the computer screen. Ken started work today, he has a 10-week internship working under the youth pastor. We're still looking for whatever comes next. I'm just looking forward to Thursday, June 3rd. I will finally be off for a nice little stretch and chaperoning a cruise to the Bahamas! So c'mon June 3rd! You are the light I'm searching for in this tunnel!

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