Later that night, my husband and I took in a stray. This little dog that couldn’t have weighed more than 5 pounds was walking around the parking lot with no obvious destination planned. Feeling a little sorry for the thing we took it in with the intention of trying to find its owner the next day. After he marked our trash can, he was escorted to his accommodations for the evening in the bathroom. This dog is ugly by the way. You know the ones that are so ugly they are cute? He’s not one of them, he’s just ugly; eyes bugging out of his head the size of half dollars and a row of crooked teeth lining his obvious under bite. The next morning we went to the leasing office to find that no one had reported a lost dog. However on our way back to the apartment I noticed a lady in her SUV paying obvious attention to the dog so I decided to ask if it was hers. She hesitantly looked at me and at the dog before replying ‘it looks like him’ in a confused manner. Unsure of what to make of the comment I clarified “So, he’s yours then?” She said yes and reluctantly reached for the dog and put him in the passenger seat. The whole interaction was odd, maybe she was taking Tylenol severe congestion too.

Yesterday I decided to drive up to meet Ken for lunch since we haven’t seen a lot of each other over the past few days and we decided to hang out by the Broad river for a while. It was so nice. The weather was not hot and not too cool, there were all these really soft sand banks and seizing the opportunity to be carefree we decided to lie by the water and just relax for a while. In case I’ve never mentioned it before, I am so in love with this man. I don’t deserve such a wonderful husband but there we were by the river pretending that the ‘real world’ wasn’t eagerly waiting to end this moment of simplicity. We talked about fun memories from when we were dating and where the future might lead. I took pictures of our wedding rings in the sand (I love taking pictures and actively look for opportunities/things to photograph). It was just peaceful and wonderful and exactly what I needed. I hope we always take time to do nothing together.

Sounds like I could use some of that Tylenol severe congestion- all that's in this house is extra strength Tylenol and Tums. Miss you!