Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What the CRAP?!?!

So in our last encounter I told you about Lexi’s less than savory bowel issues and since then thankfully, they have resolved. On Wednesday nights Ken and I go to discipleship class at church that starts at 6pm. I have to leave around 5pm to get there on time and since the class usually last about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, I usually get home around 8:30pm. All of this is fine except on nights when I have to work the next morning. I have to get up at 4:30am and so I try to be in bed by 9:30pm. But when I get home from church at 8:30 and have to cook supper, I’m rarely in the bed by that time. This week I thought I would make a chicken stew before I left for church and leave in on simmer so that it would be ready and waiting when I got home. When I arrived at home I was looking forward to the smell of hot chicken stew greeting me as I walked it. That was NOT the smell that greeted me. As I turned the corner into the bedroom where Judah’s crate is, I realized he had had explosive diarrhea while I was gone. I mean splashing out of the crate onto the carpet and the wall. Not to mention EVERYTHING in the crate was covered with doo. What is it with my children and their apparently over-sensitive digestive systems?

On a different note, on our tight budget I have become an amateur hair stylist and chef so I’m including a few pix from where I cut Ken’s hair and the fruit pizza I made. Not too bad if I do say so myself.

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