Saturday, February 20, 2010

Uh Oh, I've Created A Monster!!!

Let me begin this particular blog my saying those with an extremely weak stomach may want to skip to the second paragraph. My little Lexi has been my 'child' for nearly 6 1/2 years now and thoroughly enjoyed being the center of attention. Being an 'only child' she never longed for the company of a bother or sister and life as she knew if was nearly perfect. That is, until we brought home Judah. I knew she wouldn't initially care for him but assumed that she would, in time, just learn to deal with it. However, she has made her stand and is determined not to be moved. She growls when he is even remotely within her vicinity. Lately (here's the weak stomach part but I'm a nurse so nothing seems to bother me anymore) she has had some pretty severe diarrhea. My perfect little princess who could 'hold it' for hours is now waking me up two and three times a night so she can go outside and poop. This is not fun considering we live on the third floor of an apartment complex. So, after three days of this and trying imodium didn't help, we made a visit to the vet where I was informed that they could find nothing physically wrong with her and no cause for the diarrhea. Determined to leave with some sort of answer I asked if her aversion to Judah could have stressed her to this liquid poo point. The vet agreed that it was possible...
As my conversation with the vet progressed, she ever so politely informed me that I was in fact responsible for Lexi's bad behavior. I have pretended for 6 years that my dog is in fact my child and by treating her as such I am upseting her instictual balance to be a pack follower. Apparently Ceasar Millan agrees. After reading parts of his book "Ceasar's Way" I have diagnosed her with 'fear agression' and I do everything concerning her all wrong. I walk her, feed her, discipline her even show affection toward her incorrectly! The vet reassured me that this change would be harder for me than for Lexi but everyone involved would be better and happier for it in the end. She did caution that Lexi would not initially like that I am rocking her majesty's world but not to be discouraged. She also suggested taking Lexi and Judah to obedience school together so they could socialize with each other and other dogs at the same time. So, if Lexi and Judah are not my 'children' why do they cost about as much as a child would?

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