Monday, March 8, 2010

Sick Days...

I have officially used my first sick day at work. What started out as a sore throat on Wednesday, snowballed into everything but a fever by Saturday. I got up and went to work anyway with a few non-drowsy meds on board but by lunch time they had worn off and the sore throat, cough, sneezing, runny/stopped up nose, chest and nasal congestion had returned. I forewarned my superiors that I might not make it in the next day and alas, after no rest from not being able to comfortably breathe I called in at 3am. How is it that your nose can be ‘stopped up’ and yet still continue to ‘run’? This contradiction boggles my mind. My wonderful husband cooked me some breakfast before heading off to church and my usually mischievous children (the dogs) were actually good while he was gone, allowing me to finally get a few hours of sleep. One day later, here I am, still having all the symptoms of my cold except the sore throat but thankfully to a lesser degree which tells me things are on the up side. I just hope Ken doesn’t get whatever I have. I do find it funny however that on my one venture out of the apartment yesterday, I was in the cold/allergy meds aisle at Target and a polite stranger informed me that the actual medications in the off-brands were the same as the name brands; they just charge more for the name. She then asked me what my symptoms were and what I had been taking for it, dropping in the fact that she is a nurse. I never bothered to tell her that not only did I already know everything she was telling me but I am a nurse as well. Whether she enjoyed the idea that she might be helping me or that she thought she knew more than me I will never know but either way, who am I to rain on her parade?

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