Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Starting a Blog

You may be asking yourself "Why Sweet Tea & Little Debbies?" Well, to that I say "Why not?" As I was starting this thing it prompted me for a name for this blog and I couldn't come up with anything I really liked so I starting thinking about the things that I really like. So, TAH DAH! The Sweet Tea & Little Debbies blog is born...

So, several people I know have started their own baby blogs... I don't have a baby, not a human one anyway. I do have a Chihuahua and a Chocolate Lab and they are proving to be more like children every day. We frequent the vet as much as you would a pediatrician and without pet insurance, the bills are likely close to what I would pay if I was taking a kid to the pediatrician. We (me and ken) don't have internet in the apartment right now which makes this whole blogging thing even more difficult since I just realized I don't have any pictures with me to post of my 'children' or of me and Ken for that matter. So, basicly what I'm trying to say is, bear with me people and I will eventually learn what it is I'm supposed to be doing here. Amanda, in the meantime, I expect some coaching!

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