Thursday, March 10, 2011
You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes
It's March which means I have a lot of catching up to do. The holidays were great - we actually had a white Christmas which I don't think I've ever seen before. It got rediculously cold. Me and the hubby moved out of our apartment and into Granny's house - not exactly our perfect plan but it was part of His perfect plan. God knew that particular move would pay off in ways we couldn't forsee just yet. The house is great, for the most part. There's a lot of home improvements to be done but nothing major - mostly painting and we need new carpet. We have no idea how long we'll be here but hopefully one day we can look for a house to call our own. Judah loves having a backyard to run around in and Lexi loves being so close to Nana and Papa - she tries to sneek off to their house every chance she gets.
I finished the book "You Can Still Wear Cute Shoes" - it was very helpful and funny but I still struggle with the whole 'preacher's wife' label and all that it seems to imply to some people. My husband asked me to marry him because he fell in love with who I am not because he wanted to change me and I was me long before I became a 'preacher's wife'. I feel that the only responsibilities I have or role that I should be expected to play is the same as any woman who calls herself a Christian. I find it terribly annoying that some people expect me to act saintly and are surprised to find that I'm human and I make mistakes on a daily basis. OK, I think I got that out of my system - for now.

Saturday, October 2, 2010
It's October!
The intense heat has finally decided to subside - which makes my husband very happy. He and the lab LOVE cold weather, the chihuahua and I prefer warmer days but I guess it's time. I mean it is October and up until the last few days it has been in the 90s! Wish I had something more fun to post but I'm on pins and needles right now hoping that work doesn't call me in! I love not having to go in and I hate to sound ungrateful but it's hard to relax when you know they could call any minute and you have to leave the warm snuggly nest that is your bed to go to work! Ahh, guess I'm just grateful I have a job :)
Rockabye Baby
Pretty In Pink
Oh! I guess I do have something I could post - some pictures!!! I took some pix of three sweet little girls a few months ago so here are just a few:
"Mini Pearl"
Monday, September 20, 2010
How did that happen?
So, I haven't posted in quite a while and while I'm sure there's tons of stuff I could write about it's all probably mundane... However Judah did learn how to swim... sorta. Ok, he learned 'how not to drown' might be a better way of phrasing it. So our beautiful chocolate lab, equipped with the standard webbed feet (I know, I checked) dosen't like to swim. WHAT?!?! I thought labs and water were supposed to go together like a Kardashian and tv drama! So, our inital attempt took place at my in-laws who have a pond in the back yard. After throwing a stick into the pond Judah waded about ankle deep and looked at the stick and back at us like "Um, hey guys, who's gonna go get that?" Several months later my husband absent mindedly threw a stick into the pond not thinking that Judah would go after it since he doesn't like the water. The sound of a huge splash immediately met my ears as Judah had evidently forgotten that he doesn't like to swim and proceeded to jump into the pond and sink like a rock. Chocolate brown fur bobbed back a forth for what seemed like forever as I yelled "Ken, he's drowning!" My husband, Joe Cool, replied calmly "He's not drowning". Another mellenium passed as I watched chocolate fur bob back and forth in the water. Finally, his head popped up out of the water and the poor thing was coughing and huffing as water poured out his nose and is panic-filled eyes met mine. The most ungraceful 'swim' brought him back to the shore. Determined he would not let this incident scar him, my hubby stripped down to his boxers and coaxed Judah back into the water. It took 30 minutes and he still never got deep enough to actually swim but he was in the water. A week later we took Judah to the river. Ken and I both got in and waded to some rocks in the middle. It was deep enough in areas that Judah would have to swim if he wanted to stay with us and he definately wanted to stay with us. My boy can swim! It is still by far the most ungraceful thing I think I have ever seen though!
This is Judah's most un-graceful swim!
Mommy and Judah
He prefers to relax 'near' the water instead of in it!
Also, I feel it neccesary to mention that I seem to be morphing into this weird domestic version of myself: I've decided to try my hand at couponing. So far, I suck. But apparently once I get in the habit I will save us lots of money which means I can spend more money on fun stuff instead of neccesary stuff :)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
July Madness
So July started with a 4 day trip to Kiawah with Ken's parents which was nice and relaxing. Of course I had my camera in tow and took advantage of the opportunity to get some good beach pics of me and the hubby. I thought they turned out pretty good if I do say so myself!
The short vacation was great! We slept in, we were lazy on the beach, we leisurely rode our bikes around the island and ate.. A LOT! Hehehe. But unfortunately 4 days flew by quickly and since I didn't take any time off from work, it was back to the grind immediately. I worked Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and overtime on Friday. It was a long seven days followed by Ken leaving for an 8-day mission trip that next Saturday and me leaving for the beach with my sister and a bunch of her friends and kids. I took my younger cousin so as not to be the odd man out and to keep me awake while driving since I had to work the night before. With four little girls all under the age of five, our daily schedule usually looked like this: Everybody up and breakfast eaten by 9:30ish, dress and head down to the beach around 10:30ish, Beach it up for an hour or two, head to the pool and swim half an hour or jus long enough to get most of the sand out of your bathing suit, lol. Then back to the house for lunch, chil, maybe head back to the pool til about 4 or 4:30 and back to the house for supper/chillin/roack band, or whatever. This is our group at the beach in the giant hole Shane and I dug:
I managed to get everybody back on the beach and all dressed up one night for another photography adventure. The men were a little reluctant but with some loving encouragement from the wives, they agreed it would be a good idea. I took pictures of each individual family and they turned out awesome even thought I was worried it would be a massive fail! See, my camera lenses fogged up from being in the air conditioned house for so long and then being moved into the rediculous heat and humidity. They were not responding well to my initial attempts to de-fog but thankfully they cooperated in the end.
Just like Kiawah, it was a lot of fun but the time flew by too fast and it was back to the grind again. However I have just spent the most wonderful last three days at home, with no agenda and it felt wonderful. The apartment is a mess but I don't care! I finally got to spend some time with the hubby who has been gone 4 out of the last 6 weeks! I don't wish summer away by any means but it sure is nice to just stay home for a bit. I forgot how crazy summer can get!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Is June Over Already?!?!?!
So, I forgot to mention in the last blog that I had an old friend from nursing school model for pictures in her wedding dress and they are absolutely gorgeous! I was so excited about how they turned out! And as far as the two weeks that I spent with mama and daddy while Ken wa gone?... It was nice but I'm glad he's home now. We will finally get a vacation soon, we leave to go to Kiawah with his parents on the 5th. We can only stay for 4 days b/c I didn't get any time off work but 4 days is better than none :)
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Today Is My Birthday!!!!
As of 10:46am today I was officially 21 years old (with 5 years experience, hehe)! My birthday kinda started on Friday even though it really wasn't until Sunday because this summer is gonna be jam packed and crazy. Ken leaves for beach camp on Sunday so he took me out Friday night to eat ant brought me a beautiful bouquet of lillies. Saturday all the girls got together for Tiffany's bachelorette party. Sunday Ken left for beach camp after church and I am spending the next two weeks with Mama and Daddy. Mama had made me ice cream and cake and most of the family was there for a little birthday get together. The cruise that Ken and I helped chaperone earlier this month was not exactly what I was expecting but I'm glad we went because I met some really great girls and hopefully we will keep in touch!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Truck Gardening
So, I drive a Dodge Ram pickup and I have a tendency to leave stuff in the bed of it. When we moved into our apartment, there was a planter in the back of my truck that had lily bulbs in it. Our apartment doesn't have a porch or balconey so with nowhere to put it, it just stayed in the back of the truck. Fast forward six months. Aparently with the sun and rainwater that naturally occurs outside, my lily bulbs have decided to sprout :) So, I guess they will continue to ride around with me in the back of my truck!

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