Tuesday, July 27, 2010

July Madness

So July started with a 4 day trip to Kiawah with Ken's parents which was nice and relaxing. Of course I had my camera in tow and took advantage of the opportunity to get some good beach pics of me and the hubby. I thought they turned out pretty good if I do say so myself! The short vacation was great! We slept in, we were lazy on the beach, we leisurely rode our bikes around the island and ate.. A LOT! Hehehe. But unfortunately 4 days flew by quickly and since I didn't take any time off from work, it was back to the grind immediately. I worked Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and overtime on Friday. It was a long seven days followed by Ken leaving for an 8-day mission trip that next Saturday and me leaving for the beach with my sister and a bunch of her friends and kids. I took my younger cousin so as not to be the odd man out and to keep me awake while driving since I had to work the night before. With four little girls all under the age of five, our daily schedule usually looked like this: Everybody up and breakfast eaten by 9:30ish, dress and head down to the beach around 10:30ish, Beach it up for an hour or two, head to the pool and swim half an hour or jus long enough to get most of the sand out of your bathing suit, lol. Then back to the house for lunch, chil, maybe head back to the pool til about 4 or 4:30 and back to the house for supper/chillin/roack band, or whatever. This is our group at the beach in the giant hole Shane and I dug: I managed to get everybody back on the beach and all dressed up one night for another photography adventure. The men were a little reluctant but with some loving encouragement from the wives, they agreed it would be a good idea. I took pictures of each individual family and they turned out awesome even thought I was worried it would be a massive fail! See, my camera lenses fogged up from being in the air conditioned house for so long and then being moved into the rediculous heat and humidity. They were not responding well to my initial attempts to de-fog but thankfully they cooperated in the end. Just like Kiawah, it was a lot of fun but the time flew by too fast and it was back to the grind again. However I have just spent the most wonderful last three days at home, with no agenda and it felt wonderful. The apartment is a mess but I don't care! I finally got to spend some time with the hubby who has been gone 4 out of the last 6 weeks! I don't wish summer away by any means but it sure is nice to just stay home for a bit. I forgot how crazy summer can get!

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