The intense heat has finally decided to subside - which makes my husband very happy. He and the lab LOVE cold weather, the chihuahua and I prefer warmer days but I guess it's time. I mean it is October and up until the last few days it has been in the 90s! Wish I had something more fun to post but I'm on pins and needles right now hoping that work doesn't call me in! I love not having to go in and I hate to sound ungrateful but it's hard to relax when you know they could call any minute and you have to leave the warm snuggly nest that is your bed to go to work! Ahh, guess I'm just grateful I have a job :)
Oh! I guess I do have something I could post - some pictures!!! I took some pix of three sweet little girls a few months ago so here are just a few:

"Mini Pearl"

Rockabye Baby

Pretty In Pink