Monday, September 20, 2010

How did that happen?

So, I haven't posted in quite a while and while I'm sure there's tons of stuff I could write about it's all probably mundane... However Judah did learn how to swim... sorta. Ok, he learned 'how not to drown' might be a better way of phrasing it. So our beautiful chocolate lab, equipped with the standard webbed feet (I know, I checked) dosen't like to swim. WHAT?!?! I thought labs and water were supposed to go together like a Kardashian and tv drama! So, our inital attempt took place at my in-laws who have a pond in the back yard. After throwing a stick into the pond Judah waded about ankle deep and looked at the stick and back at us like "Um, hey guys, who's gonna go get that?" Several months later my husband absent mindedly threw a stick into the pond not thinking that Judah would go after it since he doesn't like the water. The sound of a huge splash immediately met my ears as Judah had evidently forgotten that he doesn't like to swim and proceeded to jump into the pond and sink like a rock. Chocolate brown fur bobbed back a forth for what seemed like forever as I yelled "Ken, he's drowning!" My husband, Joe Cool, replied calmly "He's not drowning". Another mellenium passed as I watched chocolate fur bob back and forth in the water. Finally, his head popped up out of the water and the poor thing was coughing and huffing as water poured out his nose and is panic-filled eyes met mine. The most ungraceful 'swim' brought him back to the shore. Determined he would not let this incident scar him, my hubby stripped down to his boxers and coaxed Judah back into the water. It took 30 minutes and he still never got deep enough to actually swim but he was in the water. A week later we took Judah to the river. Ken and I both got in and waded to some rocks in the middle. It was deep enough in areas that Judah would have to swim if he wanted to stay with us and he definately wanted to stay with us. My boy can swim! It is still by far the most ungraceful thing I think I have ever seen though!This is Judah's most un-graceful swim! Mommy and Judah He prefers to relax 'near' the water instead of in it!

Also, I feel it neccesary to mention that I seem to be morphing into this weird domestic version of myself: I've decided to try my hand at couponing. So far, I suck. But apparently once I get in the habit I will save us lots of money which means I can spend more money on fun stuff instead of neccesary stuff :)